◊ Thank to all the people who emailed us. We are looking forward to more email and articles to include in the magazine. Send us a email, only takes 10 seconds. Write to us with your comments about the magazine, opinions, complaints, hate mail, bomb threats, etc. macaddicthacker@hotmail.com That really does rock, what you do. The MacAddict mag sucks, and the CDs are starting to suck... but the MacAddict Hacker gives me incentive to renew my susbscription when it runs out in a few months :) Thanks xYankee Heh, not bad. So I guess by making this magazine we are actually helping MacAddict make money by getting people interested in buying it again, or buying it for the first time if they have never got it before. Even if they just want the cd so they can hack it. hehe. Its still beneficial to them. Thanks for the insight xYankee, I never thought of that. I am surprised noone has actually offered to help design your website and actually follow through. My specialty is making Logos and Graphics - but if you still haven't found a webmaster then I would be applying now wouldn't I. Great. I look forward to seeing what you got for us. We need a webmaster badly. Webmaster? Sheesh we just need a web site. I will look into setting one up. Greetings, first off MacAddict Hacker kicks ass, I hope many more are on their way. Now I don't know if you heard this but I think I know how you can crack any of the "Buy Software" apps. The only thing you need is one set of personal and unlock codes. All you have to do is fill out all the forms like you were really buying the software. When you get to the screen asking how you want to send the information, you click "send by mail or fax". Then go to the preferences folder and open "Release Preferences" with nortons disk editor. Go to offset 526 where you'll find your personal code. Just switch that with your other legitimate code, and save. Then go back to the Buy Software app and enter the unlock code. I don't know if this works because I can't afford to buy any of the software, but if you have some codes I'd love see how it turns out. Resepctfully, Kuger Hmmm....thats kinda cool. Hope it works. I will try it sometime. We dont have any cracks yet for the "buy it" stuff, but thats ok Im sure some nice hacker dude has already cracked it and will send us the cracks cause he likes us? hehe, maybe. I found your magazine couple days ago and I realized it was really cool e-zine. Anyways, are you going to make a "How to" section? I you do, it will be really awesome. I'd like to learn the basic stuff. And do you know how to hack the date expiration based software. If you know, please teach me or put it on next issue. Thanks Whyman Great idea Whyman, we gotta get some crackers on our team. Anyone out there who wants to do an "How To" on hacking simple stuff please email us. I know theres a ton of you out there just waiting to be famous in MacAddict Hacker. (wink) I LOVE your magazine!!!! It's almost better than MacAddict it self!!! Anyways. I come to you guys with something very important. I spend alot of time with my MacAddict CD's and I also spend lots of time with the Underground Macintosh community, and I've decided that I wanna be apart of this wonderful thing that you've put together. I don't really care what I have to do! I'll do anything. As long as I get to work on this magazine with you guys. I was looking at the past issue that macaddict put out and I found that I had most of the serial numbers for it!! Well any ways If I can be of help in ANY way, can you give me a small part of the fun??!!! Almost better you say? We "are" better. As for helping us make this magazine, yes help us. The thing that makes this magazine is "help" People email us articles and reviews and such and we just publish them. Its a group effort. Just write an article on anything. Do a review on a War Dialer, Hack tool, etc. and send it in. We are more than happy to publish it. Dear Macaddict Hacker, Is there a web site or private URL that I can download past versions of the macaddict hacker? I really enjoy the mag and the information is extremely useful. If you need a place to host the site/ files I would be glad to host them for you. Riscman Ummm...Not yet. We got a webmaster working on a web site but no address quite yet. We are going to use a free account like Geocities or another similar free anonymous web server for our web site. The reason? Well this magazine isnt exacly something you want to get in trouble over hosting it on your own web site. And with a anonymous web account, what ever happens you got nobody to point a finger at. Thanks for the offer though. This is the coolest thing i have seen since C&N i was also wondering if you could email every issue strait to my email box? And iy you could get me in connection with C&N dude cause he was my main source when he went underground well i just got screwed hard.....you see i distribute the cracked programs at school so we can play them during class and use them to screw up our schools computers! I need these things man absolutly need them!!! Prometheus Thanks dude. Im glad you and your friends like MacAddict Hacker, but we dont have the issues of C&N either. It went deep underground. Someday we are going to take a shovel and start digging, but until then no c&n. It's Prometheus again i got the latest issue and i would be glad to help mail out the lastest issues just give me the list uh no more that about50 ok hehe i gotta find a mass emailer hehe i would like one if ya could send it to me.....and i was wondering if you could put a corrections section in the MacAddictHacker to correct things that were not right in the previous issue...know what i mean. For starters DarkCastle serial in the Try Before You Buy dont work...just incase you didn't know and in the Corrections section you could list one that does work....also i can try to help look for serials in the software section if ya want just let me know. Prometheus That mailing list is a great idea, we just havent started one yet. Anyone up for the job? As for Dark Castle we have got a brand spankin new unlock code for it. And it works. Looks like Aladdin has found out our dirty little magazine and banned our name from the transaction engine. Dont worry, we got ways around that to. Those fonts you use are phat, can you email them to me? Im looking for some awesome fonts and want to get some. Thanks. Bawt Im glad you enjoy our fonts. Every font we use in the MacAddict Hacker are from the House Industries collection. (www.houseind.com) These fonts are very expensive so we wont be mailing them to anyone. Think I got free time to email warez and fonts to people? Sheesh? I gotta come up with ideas for the next MacAddict Hacker. Alright, everyone? I've only recently discovered the Mac underground community but I'm really impressed with your mag. As I live in Scotland I'm sure you can understand it's more than a bit tricky to get a copy of MacAddict. The reason I get your zine is that magazines like Macformat and Macworld (UK) give pretty much the same stuff on their CD's so it's still useful. Anyway I'm talking shit here so I'll get to the point.I'd be more than willing to give you codes for stuff you need. I get HackUser every month and still have the last <> copy of C&N that was available and on top of that I have a million and one plugs for BSNG. The thing is, I would need you to send me a list of the stuff in the software folder before I could tell you as I have no idea what the hell is in it each month. Anyway I love the mag so keep it up and if I can help in any other way tell me. B.T.W - I read in the april issue that you might be setting up a mailing list. If so please add my name as it's a pain trying to find it on hotline and I heard weasel was retiring in May. Cheers, Jambo Great, thats cool to see people in other countries other than the United States enjoying this ezine. I can imagine how hard it is to get (real) us magazines. As far as getting you the file list for the magazine cd, i can see what i can do. I dont have a subscription to the magazine so by the time it hits the stores, its already been out a couple of weeks. So the codes might be a liitle late, but anyways, Harpo is already doing the serial numbers for us, so its cool now. He's doing a great job. As far as having a mailing list, we dont have one. If someone out there wants to make one email us and we will set one up. Thanks for the letters everyone. Keep writing and your letter might make it in the next issue. ©1998 MacAddict Hacker